Homework #04
DUE: Monday, October 26, 2015 before class in Box D in the MAE department.
Problem 1
A small spherical ball of brass is pressed into a hemispherical depression with a force \(F = 500N\). Determine the principal normal and shear stresses at the location along the z axis corresponding to the highest shear stress. The ball is made of brass and the depression is made of copper.

Problem 2
Find the radius of curvature of the deflected beam at points A and B. The modulus of elasticity is 10 Mpsi.

Problem 3
For the beam and loading shown, find the deflection at D and deflections and slope at C using two different methods. Use \(l = 1.2 \textrm{m}\), \(E = 180 \textrm{GPa}\), \(I = 0.23 \textrm{m}^2\), \(w = 60 \frac{\textrm{kN}}{\textrm{m}}\).