Plan for Friday, October 2, 2015
- The Martian Movie
- Questions?
- Are office hours at good times?
- Review: Free Body Diagrams
- Draw system bound in whatever way is useful for problem
- Equilibrium: F = 0, M = 0
- Basic maximum stress for axial, bending, and torsion
- Pin joint demo
Today's goals:
- Review of transversely loaded beams
- Be able to draw shear and bending moment diagrams
- Utilize singularity functions to efficiently draw diagrams
Shear and Bending diagrams
- Relation of q, V, M
- Shear and bending question
- Singularity functions for beams
- Example with singularity functions
- Singularity question
Wrap up
- Beam shear and moment values are piecewise functions
- Load, shear, and bending are related by derivatives
- Complex loadings can be more easily calculated with singularity functions
- Description of the next step in the project: 5 more detailed designs are due
next friday.
- Answer more questions, more sketches, add calculations
- Around 2 full notebook pages that are dense per design: ultimately will need 3 pages of computer content for the final design
- Focus on designs that will allow you to think about the loads, stresses, strength, motion
- Describe lightning talks for next Friday
- 2 minutes to describe to your group a design
- 2 designs per member
- practice before hand, make short script about main points (2 minutes doesn't give you time to flounder)
- 2 minute review from groups
- Get in groups and work together on the homework or the provided examples
- Check on group sizes
- Have notebook out and ready for grading
- Questions
- Collect feedback: feedback for the week will happen on Fridays
- positive, negative for the week and time spent outside of class