Plan for Monday, November 2, 2015
- Project 1 reports and midterm will be graded by Wednesday.
- Mechanical failures
Project Two introduction.
Unitrans visit
Break up into teams. Hang two sheets horizontally on the wall, grab some markers and sticky notes.
Question generation
Individually, on sticky notes, write down as many questions as you can think of that will need to be answered to complete your design. Stick these notes onto the wall by your team so every one can see them.
Question review and grouping.
Read your teammates questions quickly to get an idea of what everyone is thinking about.
Pick 3-5 broad topic areas and group the questions into these topics. Eliminate duplicates by combining them into one question.
Design Ideation Sketching
At this point you will each go to the sheets of white paper on the walls and sketch a design independently. Leave room for two sketches per person.
Sketch modifications
Next rotate positions so that you are in front of a teammate's design. Below the teammate's design, add, subtract, or modify their design to create a new design.
Design review and discussion
Now discuss the merits of each design idea. Add new questions and refine the previous ones that will need to be determined to make decisions about each design's merits.
- Homework #5 will be posted today.