Plan for Wednesday, October 6, 2015
- Stress tensor represents state of 3D stress at any given point.
- 9 values, 6 unique, symmetric matrix
- Derive the expressions for the stress vector on an arbitrary oriented infinitesimal plane
- Be able to apply derived equations
- Principal stresses
Review confusing things from last lecture:
- Complementary shear
- Shear from torsion
- Transverse shear in bending
Stress on an arbitrary plane
Principal stress
Wrap up
Remind about next class Project 1 activity.
- Turn notebook in open to first of 5 designs clearly numbered (use a sticky note if they aren't one after another)
- Copy your two favorite designs for your team members to look at while you speak about them.
- Lightning talk: 2 minutes per 2 designs
- Goal is to explain your design in sentences with help from your diagrams, sketches, etc.
- No slides or anything, just you and the paper you give/show you teammates
- Make a list of what main points you want to make.
- Practice the talk so you say what you want to say in 2 minutes.
- After each talk, your team members will critique the design. If someone says a positive critique, next has to be a neg, and vice versa. Your goal is to help you teammate improve and strengthen their design explanation.