Preparation for Friday, October 9, 2015
- Do the example given in the notes from last class. We skipped this, but you will be expected to know it.
- Read sections 3-6 and 3-7 in the book.
- Read the Wikipedia article on Mohr's Circle.
- Make copies of two of your five designs to use during your lightning talks.
- Have your notebook ready for grading in class, i.e. clearly label the 5 designs and make it as easy as possible for us to find them. For example, you can use post-it notes to label them.
- Plan and practice your two lightning talks.
After this lesson you should be able to:
- Compute the 3D principal stresses and directions.
- Utilize Mohr's circle (2D/3D) to find stresses at any orientation.
Upcoming Due Dates
- Five in-notebook detailed designs will be due in class.
- Homework #2 will be due Monday, October 12th.
- A rough draft of your Project 1 report will be due Friday, October 16th before class.
- A result from the Solidworks tutorial will be due Friday, October 16th at the beginning of class.