Plan for Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Last lecture was on the product design process:
- ID Needs > Target Specs > Concepts > Select > Test > Final Specs
- We need a notetaker for the class
- Engineering Career fair is tomorrow
- Memo 2 is due Friday by midnight
- Do your best to talk with your sponsor this week.
- Read chapter 7 on concept generation for the lecture. We will do activity on this next studio session.
- You can schedule team meetings with me on Thursdays/Fridays.
- Start early promise less: better to finish something small and test it that so that it actually works than to promise big and fail
- Document what you do
- Team owns the IP
- This class is like a job. Real expecations, real stakeholders. You are expected to be here. You will need to be putting in at least 10-12 hrs a week to have any chance to get your projects done to what you expect. Start now.
- Cover letters and resumes looked good.
Studio structure
- Begin with a 1 hr lecture or activity (not every week).
- Work on your project.
- TAs will meet with you 15-20 minutes per week.
- I'll meet with you 15-20 minutes ever other week.
- Attendance will be taken.
- You must have an agenda prepared for the meetings with us. If you don't, then you're participatiog grade will suffer (starting next week).
ID Needs and Target Specs [1 hr]
Lecture material.