==================== Install the Software ==================== If you would like to run the software on your own computer, follow these instructions which recommend the use of a Conda_-based installation process. The process below describes setting up a new base environment with the needed software installed. .. _Conda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conda_(package_manager) 1) Miniconda ============ Miniconda is a stripped down version of Anaconda so that you can install only what you desire. If you already have Miniconda (or Anaconda) on your computer, you can skip this step or delete your prior Miniconda (or Anaconda) folder on your computer to uninstall it. Download Miniconda for your operating system: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html Install as a user, not an administrator, when asked. This will install the package manager conda and configure your computer to use the Python installed with Miniconda when you open a terminal or command prompt. 2) Create and Activate an Environment ===================================== Open either the terminal (Linux/Mac) or the (Anaconda) command prompt (Windows) and type the following series of commands followed each by the key to execute the commands. Create the environment with: .. code-block:: bash conda create -c conda-forge -n learn-multibody-dynamics python=3.10 The ``-c conda-forge`` flag installs the packages from `Conda Forge`_. Conda Forge is a community maintained collection of compatible software packages and offers a larger number of packages than the default configuration. .. _Conda Forge: https://conda-forge.org/ Now activate the environment: .. code-block:: bash conda activate learn-multibody-dynamics 3) Install Packages =================== Now you can install the packages that are required for executing the code in this book with this command: .. code-block:: bash conda install -c conda-forge ipympl ipython jupyter notebook matplotlib numpy pythreejs "scikits.odes" scipy "sympy>=1.11" 4) Open Jupyter Notebook ======================== To check that everything works, type the command to open Jupyter: .. code-block:: bash jupyter notebook Jupyter should open in your web browser and you should be able to run the scripts and notebooks found on the other pages. Software Versions ================= This website was built with the following software versions: .. jupyter-execute:: import IPython IPython.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import jupyter_sphinx jupyter_sphinx.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import matplotlib matplotlib.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import notebook notebook.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy numpy.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import platform platform.python_version() .. jupyter-execute:: import pythreejs._version pythreejs._version.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import pkg_resources pkg_resources.get_distribution("scikits.odes").version .. jupyter-execute:: import scipy scipy.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import sphinx sphinx.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import sphinx_material sphinx_material.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import sphinx_togglebutton sphinx_togglebutton.__version__ .. jupyter-execute:: import sympy sympy.__version__