7. Vertical Vibration of Quarter Car Model

This notebook introduces the base excitation system by examning the behavior of a quarter car model.

After the completion of this assignment students will be able to:

  • excite a system with a sinusoidal input
  • understand the difference in transient and steady state solutions
  • create a frequency response plot
  • define resonance and determine the parameters that cause resonance

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from resonance.linear_systems import SimpleQuarterCarSystem
In [2]:
sys = SimpleQuarterCarSystem()

The simple quarter car model has a suspension stiffness and damping, along with the sprung car mass in kilograms, and a travel speed parameter in meters per second.

In [3]:
{'sprung_mass': 1007,
 'suspension_damping': 2000.0,
 'suspension_stiffness': 40000.0,
 'travel_speed': 7.5}
In [4]:
{'car_vertical_position': -0.05}
In [5]:
{'car_vertical_velocity': 0.0}

A sinusoidal road

The road is described as:

$$y(t) = Ysin\omega_b t$$

where $Y$ is the amplitude of the sinusoidal road undulations and $\omega_b$ is the frequency of the a function of the car's speed. If the distance between the peaks (amplitude 0.01 meters) of the sinusoidal road is 6 meters and the car is traveling at 7.5 m/s calculate what the frequency will be.

In [6]:
Y = 0.01  # m
v = sys.constants['travel_speed']
bump_distance = 6  # m
wb = v / bump_distance * 2 * np.pi  # rad /s
In [ ]:
In [7]:

Now with the amplitude and frequency set you can use the sinusoidal_base_displacing_response() function to simulate the system.

In [8]:
traj = sys.sinusoidal_base_displacing_response(Y, wb, 20.0)
In [9]:
car_vertical_position car_vertical_position_acc car_vertical_velocity forcing_function road_height
0.00 -0.050000 2.142085 4.163336e-17 157.079633 0.000000
0.01 -0.049893 2.126124 2.134873e-02 187.979047 0.000785
0.02 -0.049574 2.100977 4.249185e-02 217.719508 0.001564
0.03 -0.049044 2.066746 6.333799e-02 246.117655 0.002334
0.04 -0.048308 2.023569 8.379694e-02 272.998406 0.003090
In [10]:

We've written an animation for you. You can play it with:

In [11]:
<matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation at 0x7faa3b13cd90>


Try different travel speeds and see what kind of behavior you can observe. Make sure to set the travel_speed constant and the frequency value for sinusoidal_base_displacing_response() to be consistent.


When designing a car the designer wants the riders to feel comfortable and to isolate them from the road's bumps. There are two important aspects to investigate. The first is called displacement transmissibility and is a ratio between the ampitude of the steady state motion and the ampitude of the sinusoidal base displacement. So in our case this would be:

$$ \frac{X}{Y}(\omega_b) = \frac{\textrm{Steady State Amplitude}}{\textrm{Base Displacement Amplitude}} $$

This can be plotted as a function of the base displacement frequency. A car suspension designer may want this ratio to be an optimal value for rider comfort. Maybe they'd like to make the ratio 1 or maybe even less than one if possible.


Use the curve fitting technique from the previous notebook to plot $X/Y$ for a range of frequencies. Your code should look something like:

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def cosine_func(times, amp, freq, phase_angle):
    return amp * np.cos(freq * times - phase_angle)

frequencies = np.linspace(1.0, 20.0, num=100)

amplitudes = []

for omega in frequencies:
    # your code here

amplitudes = np.array(amplitudes)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True)
ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_b$ [rad/s]')
ax.set_ylabel('Displacement Transmissibility') 

ax.axvline(, color='black') # natural frequency
In [12]:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def cosine_func(times, amp, freq, phase_angle):
    return amp * np.cos(freq * times - phase_angle)
frequencies = np.linspace(1.0, 20.0, num=100)
amplitudes = []
for omega in frequencies:
    traj = sys.sinusoidal_base_displacing_response(Y, omega, 20.0)
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(cosine_func,
                           traj[10:].index, traj[10:].car_vertical_position,
                           p0=(Y, omega, 0.05))

amplitudes = np.array(amplitudes)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True)
ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_b$ [rad/s]')
ax.set_ylabel('Displacement Transmissibility') 

ax.axvline(np.sqrt(sys.constants['suspension_stiffness'] / sys.constants['sprung_mass']), color='black')
ax.plot(frequencies, amplitudes / Y)
In [13]:
# write you answer here

The second thing to investigate is the force transmissibility. This is the ratio of the force applied by the suspension to the sprung car. Riders will feel this force when the car travels over bumps. Reducing this is also preferrable. The force applied to the car can be compared to the


Create a measurement to calculate the force applied to the car by the suspension. Simulate the system with $Y=0.01$ m, $v = 10$ m/s, and the distance between bump peaks as $6$ m. Plot the trajectories.

def force_on_car(suspension_damping, suspension_stiffness,
                 car_vertical_position, car_vertical_velocity, travel_speed, time):
    # write this code

sys.add_measurement('force_on_car', force_on_car)

# write code for Y and omega_b, etc
In [14]:
Y = 0.01  # m
bump_distance = 6  # m

def force_on_car(suspension_damping, suspension_stiffness,
                 car_vertical_position, car_vertical_velocity,
                 travel_speed, time):
    wb = travel_speed / bump_distance * 2 * np.pi
    y = Y * np.sin(wb * time)
    yd = Y * wb * np.cos(wb * time)
    return (suspension_damping * (car_vertical_velocity - yd) +
            suspension_stiffness * (car_vertical_position - y))

sys.add_measurement('force_on_car', force_on_car)

v = 10.0
sys.constants['travel_speed'] = v
wb = v / bump_distance * 2 * np.pi  # rad /s
In [15]:
traj = sys.sinusoidal_base_displacing_response(Y, wb, 10.0)
traj[['car_vertical_position', 'car_vertical_velocity', 'force_on_car']].plot(subplots=True)
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa38f4d940>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa38f20d30>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa38f26b80>],
In [16]:
# write your answer here
In [17]:
<matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation at 0x7faa38e69ee0>

Force transmissibility will be visited more in your next homework.

Arbitrary Periodic Forcing (Fourier Series)

Fourier discovered that any periodic function with a period $T$ can be described by an infinite series of sums of sines and cosines. See the wikipedia article for more info (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_series). The key equation is this:

$$ F(t) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \sum_{n=1}^\infty (a_n \cos n\omega_T t + b_n \sin n \omega_T t)$$

The terms $a_0, a_n, b_n$ are called the Fourier coefficients and are defined as such:

$$ a_0 = \frac{2}{T} \int_0^T F(t) dt$$$$ a_n = \frac{2}{T} \int_0^T F(t) \cos n \omega_T t dt \quad \textrm{for} \quad n = 1, 2, \ldots $$$$ b_n = \frac{2}{T} \int_0^T F(t) \sin n \omega_T t dt \quad \textrm{for} \quad n = 1, 2, \ldots $$

Introduction to SymPy

SymPy is a Python package for symbolic computing. It can do many symbolic operations, for instance, integration, differentiation, linear algebra, etc. See http://sympy.org for more details of the features and the documentation. Today we will cover how to do integrals using SymPy and use it to find the Fourier series that represents a sawtooth function.

In [18]:
import sympy as sm

The function init_printing() enables LaTeX based rendering in the Jupyter notebook of all SymPy objects.

In [19]:

Symbols can be created by using the symbols() function.

In [20]:
x, y, z = sm.symbols('x, y, z')
In [21]:
x, y, z
$\displaystyle \left( x, \ y, \ z\right)$

The integrate() function allows you to do symbolic indefinite or definite integrals. Note that the constants of integration are not included in indefinite integrals.

In [22]:
sm.integrate(x * y, x)
$\displaystyle \frac{x^{2} y}{2}$

The Integral class creates and unevaluated integral, where as the integrate() function automatically evaluates the integral.

In [23]:
expr = sm.Integral(x * y, x)
$\displaystyle \int x y\, dx$

To evaluate the unevaluated form you call the .doit() method. Note that all unevaluated SymPy objects have this method.

In [24]:
$\displaystyle \frac{x^{2} y}{2}$

This shows how to create an unevaluated definite integral, store it in a variable, and then evaluate it.

In [25]:
expr = sm.Integral(x * y, (x, 0, 5))
$\displaystyle \int\limits_{0}^{5} x y\, dx$
In [26]:
$\displaystyle \frac{25 y}{2}$

Fourier Coefficients for the Sawtooth function

Now let's compute the Fourier coefficients for a saw tooth function. The function that describes the saw tooth is:

$$ F(t) = \begin{cases} A \left( \frac{4t}{T} - 1 \right) & 0 \leq t \leq T/2 \\ A \left( 3 - \frac{4t}{t} \right) & T/2 \leq t \leq T \end{cases} $$


  • $A$ is the amplitude of the saw tooth
  • $T$ is the period of the saw tooth
  • $\omega_T$ is the frequency of the saw tooth, i.e. $\omega_T = \frac{2\pi}{T}$
  • $t$ is time

This is a piecewise function with two parts from $t=0$ to $t=T$.

In [27]:
A, T, wT, t = sm.symbols('A, T, omega_T, t', real=True, positive=True)
A, T, wT, t
$\displaystyle \left( A, \ T, \ \omega_{T}, \ t\right)$

The first Fourier coefficient $a_0$ describes the average value of the periodic function. and is:

$$a_0 = \frac{2}{T} \int_0^T F(t) dt$$

This integral will have to be done in two parts:

$$a_0 = a_{01} + a_{02} = \frac{2}{T} \int_0^{T/2} F(t) dt + \frac{2}{T} \int_{T/2}^T F(t) dt$$

These two integrals are evaluated below. Note that $a_0$ evaluates to zero. This is because the average of our function is 0.

In [28]:
ao_1 = 2 / T * sm.Integral(A * (4 * t / T - 1), (t, 0, T / 2))
$\displaystyle \frac{2 \int\limits_{0}^{\frac{T}{2}} A \left(-1 + \frac{4 t}{T}\right)\, dt}{T}$
In [29]:
$\displaystyle 0$
In [30]:
ao_2 = 2 / T * sm.Integral(A * (3 - 4 * t / T), (t, T / 2, T))
$\displaystyle \frac{2 \int\limits_{\frac{T}{2}}^{T} A \left(3 - \frac{4 t}{T}\right)\, dt}{T}$
In [31]:
$\displaystyle 0$

But SymPy can also handle piecewise directly. The following shows how to define a piecewise function.

In [32]:
F_1 = A * (4 * t / T - 1)
F_2 = A * (3 - 4 * t / T)
In [33]:
F = sm.Piecewise((F_1, t<=T/2),
                 (F_2, T/2<t))
$\displaystyle \begin{cases} A \left(-1 + \frac{4 t}{T}\right) & \text{for}\: t \leq \frac{T}{2} \\A \left(3 - \frac{4 t}{T}\right) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
In [34]:
F_of_t_only = F.xreplace({A: 0.01, T: 2 * sm.pi / wb})
$\displaystyle \begin{cases} \frac{0.20943951023932 t}{\pi} - 0.01 & \text{for}\: t \leq 0.0954929658551372 \pi \\- \frac{0.20943951023932 t}{\pi} + 0.03 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
In [35]:
sm.plot(F_of_t_only, (t, 0, 2 * np.pi / wb))
<sympy.plotting.plot.Plot at 0x7faa3388f970>

The integral can be taken of the entire piecewise function in one call.

In [36]:
sm.integrate(F, (t, 0, T))
$\displaystyle 0$

Now the Fourier coefficients $a_n$ and $b_n$ can be computed.

$$ a_n = \frac{2}{T}\int_0^T F(t) \cos n\omega_Tt dt \\ b_n = \frac{2}{T}\int_0^T F(t) \sin n\omega_Tt dt $$
In [37]:
n = sm.symbols('n', real=True, positive=True)

For $a_n$:

In [38]:
an = 2 / T * sm.Integral(F * sm.cos(n * wT * t), (t, 0, T))
$\displaystyle \frac{2 \int\limits_{0}^{T} \begin{cases} A \left(-1 + \frac{4 t}{T}\right) \cos{\left(n \omega_{T} t \right)} & \text{for}\: t \leq \frac{T}{2} \\A \left(3 - \frac{4 t}{T}\right) \cos{\left(n \omega_{T} t \right)} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\, dt}{T}$
In [39]:
$\displaystyle \frac{2 \left(- A \left(\frac{\sin{\left(\frac{T n \omega_{T}}{2} \right)}}{n \omega_{T}} - \frac{4 \cos{\left(\frac{T n \omega_{T}}{2} \right)}}{T n^{2} \omega_{T}^{2}}\right) + A \left(\frac{\sin{\left(\frac{T n \omega_{T}}{2} \right)}}{n \omega_{T}} + \frac{4 \cos{\left(\frac{T n \omega_{T}}{2} \right)}}{T n^{2} \omega_{T}^{2}}\right) + A \left(- \frac{\sin{\left(T n \omega_{T} \right)}}{n \omega_{T}} - \frac{4 \cos{\left(T n \omega_{T} \right)}}{T n^{2} \omega_{T}^{2}}\right) - \frac{4 A}{T n^{2} \omega_{T}^{2}}\right)}{T}$

This can be simplified:

In [40]:
an = an.doit().simplify()
$\displaystyle \frac{2 A \left(- T n \omega_{T} \sin{\left(T n \omega_{T} \right)} + 8 \cos{\left(\frac{T n \omega_{T}}{2} \right)} - 4 \cos{\left(T n \omega_{T} \right)} - 4\right)}{T^{2} n^{2} \omega_{T}^{2}}$

Now substitute the $2\pi/T$ for $\omega_T$.

In [41]:
an = an.subs({wT: 2 * sm.pi / T})
$\displaystyle \frac{A \left(- 2 \pi n \sin{\left(2 \pi n \right)} + 8 \cos{\left(\pi n \right)} - 4 \cos{\left(2 \pi n \right)} - 4\right)}{2 \pi^{2} n^{2}}$

Let's see how this function varies with increasing $n$. We will use a loop but the SymPy expressions will not automatically display because they are inside a loop. So we need to use SymPy's latex() function and the IPython display tools. SymPy's latex() function transforms the SymPy expression into a string of matching LaTeX commands.

In [42]:
sm.latex(an, mode='inline')
'$\\frac{A \\left(- 2 \\pi n \\sin{\\left(2 \\pi n \\right)} + 8 \\cos{\\left(\\pi n \\right)} - 4 \\cos{\\left(2 \\pi n \\right)} - 4\\right)}{2 \\pi^{2} n^{2}}$'

The display() and LaTeX() functions then turn the LaTeX string in to a displayed version.

In [43]:
from IPython.display import display, Latex 

Now we can see how $a_n$ varies with $n=1,2,\ldots$.

In [44]:
for n_i in range(1, 6):
    ans = an.subs({n: n_i})
    display(Latex('$a_{} = $'.format(n_i) + sm.latex(ans, mode='inline')))
$a_1 = $$- \frac{8 A}{\pi^{2}}$
$a_2 = $$0$
$a_3 = $$- \frac{8 A}{9 \pi^{2}}$
$a_4 = $$0$
$a_5 = $$- \frac{8 A}{25 \pi^{2}}$

For even $n$ values the coefficient is zero and for even values it varies with the inverse of $n^2$. More precisely:

$$ a_n = \begin{cases} 0 & \textrm{if }n\textrm{ is even} \\ -\frac{8A}{n^2\pi^2} & \textrm{if }n\textrm{ is odd} \end{cases} $$

SymPy can actually reduce this further if your set the assumption that $n$ is an integer.

In [45]:
n = sm.symbols('n', real=True, positive=True, integer=True)
an = 2 / T * sm.Integral(F * sm.cos(n * wT * t), (t, 0, T))
an = an.doit().simplify()
an.subs({wT: 2 * sm.pi / T})
$\displaystyle \frac{A \left(8 \left(-1\right)^{n} - 8\right)}{2 \pi^{2} n^{2}}$

The odd and even versions can be computed by setting the respective assumptions.

In [46]:
n = sm.symbols('n', real=True, positive=True, integer=True, odd=True)
an = 2 / T * sm.Integral(F * sm.cos(n * wT * t), (t, 0, T))
an = an.doit().simplify()
an.subs({wT: 2 * sm.pi / T})
$\displaystyle - \frac{8 A}{\pi^{2} n^{2}}$

Note that $b_n$ is always zero:

In [47]:
bn = 2 / T * sm.Integral(F * sm.sin(n * wT * t), (t, 0, T))
$\displaystyle \frac{2 \int\limits_{0}^{T} \begin{cases} A \left(-1 + \frac{4 t}{T}\right) \sin{\left(n \omega_{T} t \right)} & \text{for}\: t \leq \frac{T}{2} \\A \left(3 - \frac{4 t}{T}\right) \sin{\left(n \omega_{T} t \right)} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\, dt}{T}$
In [48]:
bn.doit().simplify().subs({wT: 2 * sm.pi / T})
$\displaystyle 0$

Numerical evalution of the Fourier Series

Now the Fourier coefficients can be used to plot the approximation of the saw tooth forcing function.

In [49]:
import numpy as np

The following function plots the actual sawtooth function. It does it all in one line by cleverly using the absolute value and the modulo functions.

In [50]:
def sawtooth(A, T, t):
    return (4 * A / T) * (T / 2 - np.abs(t % T - T / 2) ) - A
In [51]:
A = 1
T = 2
t = np.linspace(0, 5, num=500)
In [52]:

plt.plot(t, sawtooth(A, T, t));


Write a function that computes the Fourier approximation of the sawtooth function for a given value of $n$, i.e. using a finite number of terms. Then plot it for $n=2, 4, 6, 8, 10$ on top of the actual sawtooth function. How many terms of the infinite series are needed to get a good sawtooth?

def sawtooth_approximation(n, A, T, t):
    # code here
    return f

# plot sawtooth
f = sawtooth(A, T, t)

plt.plot(t, f, color='k', label='true sawtooth')

for n in np.arange(2, 12, 2):
    f_approx = sawtooth_approximation(n, A, T, t)
    plt.plot(t, f_approx, label='n = {}'.format(n))

# zoom in a bit on the interesting bit
plt.xlim(0, T)
In [53]:
def sawtooth_approximation(n, A, T, t):
    # odd values of indexing variable up to n
    n = np.arange(1, n+1)[:, np.newaxis]
    # cos coefficients
    an = A *(8 * (-1)**n - 8) / 2 / np.pi**2 / n**2
    # sawtooth frequency
    wT = 2 * np.pi / T
    # sum of n cos functions
    f = np.sum(an * np.cos(n * wT * t), axis=0)
    return f

# plot sawtooth
f = sawtooth(A, T, t)

plt.plot(t, f, color='k', label='true sawtooth')

for n in np.arange(2, 12, 2):
    f_approx = sawtooth_approximation(n, A, T, t)
    plt.plot(t, f_approx, label='n = {}'.format(n))

# zoom in a bit on the interesting bit
plt.xlim(0, T)
$\displaystyle \left( 0, \ 2\right)$
In [54]:
# write answer here

Below is a interactive plot that shows the same thing as above.

In [55]:
A = 1
T = 2
t = np.linspace(0, 5, num=500)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

f = sawtooth(A, T, t)

saw_tooth_lines = ax.plot(t, f, color='k')

n = 2

f_approx = sawtooth_approximation(n, A, T, t)

approx_lines = ax.plot(t, f_approx)

leg = ax.legend(['true', 'approx, n = {}'.format(n)])

# zoom in a bit on the interesting bit
plt.xlim(0, 2 * T)

def update(n=0):
    f_approx = sawtooth_approximation(n, A, T, t)
    leg.get_texts()[1].set_text('approx, n = {}'.format(n))
In [56]:
from ipywidgets import interact

interact(update, n=(0, 20, 2))
<function __main__.update(n=0)>

Apply the sawtooth to the quarter car

Now that you know the Fourier series coefficients. Calculate them for a suitable number of terms and simulate them with the sys.periodic_base_displacing_response() function.

Your code should look something like:

def fourier_coeffs(A, T, N):
    # write your code here

a0, an, bn = fourier_coeffs(?)

traj = sys.periodic_base_displacing_response(?)
In [57]:
def fourier_coeffs(A, T, N):
    n = np.arange(1, N+1)
    an = A *(8 * (-1)**n - 8) / 2 / np.pi**2 / n**2
    return 0, an, np.zeros_like(an)

a0, an, bn = fourier_coeffs(0.01, 2 * np.pi / wb, 100)

traj = sys.periodic_base_displacing_response(a0, an, bn, wb, 20.0)
In [58]:
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa33498af0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa334bec40>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa3344abb0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa33471460>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa3341bb20>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7faa333fb8e0>],
In [59]:
<matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation at 0x7faa3329e280>