This Matlab/Octave file demonstrates a simulation of a simple ebike model simulation.
function simulate_ebike()
% This m file simulates the linear motion of a simple electric bicycle model.
% The states are wheel angle theta, wheel angular rate omega, motor current i,
% and distance traveled x. The no-slip constraint provides that the forward
% speed v is equal to the angular rate time the wheel speed.
% integrate the dynamic equations over 20 seconds
[t, res] = ode45(@rhs, linspace(0, 20), [0, 0, 0, 0]);
% extract the states from the integration results
theta = res(:, 1);
omega = res(:, 2);
i = res(:, 3);
x = res(:, 4);
% plot the variables of interest versus time
subplot(5, 1, 1);
plot(t, 180/pi*theta);
ylabel('\theta [deg]');
xlabel('Time [s]');
subplot(5, 1, 2);
plot(t, 180/pi*omega);
ylabel('\omega [deg/s]');
xlabel('Time [s]');
subplot(5, 1, 3);
plot(t, i);
ylabel('i [A]');
xlabel('Time [s]');
subplot(5, 1, 4);
plot(t, x);
ylabel('x [m]');
xlabel('Time [s]');
R = 0.3; % wheel radius [m] (change in rhs function too)
subplot(5, 1, 5);
plot(t, omega*R);
ylabel('v [m/s]');
xlabel('Time [s]');
function dy = rhs(t, y)
% evaluates the right hand side of the first order ordinary differential equations
% define numerical constants
m = 100; % mass [kg]
R = 0.3; % wheel radius [m]
Cr = 0.005; % coefficient of rolling resistance [unitless]
Cd = 1.1; % coefficient of drag [unitless]
rho = 1.2; % density of air [kg/m^3]
A = 0.5; % frontal area [m^2]
g = 9.81; % acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]
J = 0.24; % wheel moment of inertia [kg m^2]
bm = 0.2; % hub friction coefficient [N*m*s]
Kt = 1.5; % motor torque constant [N*m/A]
L = 0.5; % motor inductance [H]
Rw = 1; % motor winding resistance [Ohm]
% extract the states
theta = y(1);
omega = y(2);
i = y(3);
x = y(4);
% apply a constant voltage (throttle applies 50 volts)
V = 50; % voltage [V]
% evaluate the right hand side of the ode's
v = omega*R; % v-omega relationship from no-slip tires
Fd = 1/2*rho*Cd*A*v^2; % drag force [N]
Fr = Cr*m*g; % rolling resistant [N]
% four 1st order ordinary differential equations in explicit form
thetadot = omega;
omegadot = (Kt*i - bm*omega - Fd*R - Fr*R) / (2*J + m*R^2);
idot = (-Rw*i - Kt*omega + V)/L;
xdot = v;
% store the result in a vector
dy(1) = thetadot;
dy(2) = omegadot;
dy(3) = idot;
dy(4) = xdot;