- Tue 06 August 2013
- notebook
- Jason K. Moore
- #notebook, #code generation, #sympy, #pydy, #system identification, #walking
Today's task list:
- [x] Send code for theano and sympy
- [x] Work on parsing the walking data
- [~] Figure out the bug I'm getting at the end of page 153 on the plone book
- [] Work on the website theme
- [] Figure out what to do about the incorrect budget category for the computers
- [] Review the TODO items on the Yeadon paper
- [] Do D-Flow/Cortex tutorial (Due August 12)
SymPy Code Generation
Another person needing code gen of complex SymPy derived ODEs: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sympy/VtaxCRNO4sE
Pushed my pydy code gen experiments: https://github.com/PythonDynamics/pydy-code-gen
And a patch for the theano stuff in sympy: https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/2358
Fred speed up my theano implementation a lot: https://github.com/PythonDynamics/pydy-code-gen/pull/1
Walking System Identification
I added a walk module to my DynamicistToolKit:
For steady walking we need to derive the average motion (sorta the limit cycle). Steps:
- Use ground reaction force data to find heel strike and toe-off times.
- Splice the joint angle and joint rate data up according to the heelstrike/toe-off times. This will give stance phase of each leg, alternating.
- For the whole run average the angle, rate, and force data to get the average motion and torques.
- Now list the variables that are potentially feedback variables, $s$ and all of the potential control variables (joint torques), $M$.
Obinna gave me some new data with good ground reaction force measurements. The one Ton provided seemed like the person was dragging their left foot. Chris's heel strike/toe-off finder worked great for the data. I'm working up the maths for the controller solver and will post once I've scribbled enough in my paper notebook.