My research is centered around the general topic of human mobility. I work on vehicle and assistive device design, simulation, analysis, and control of human locomotion and manually controlled vehicles, and engineering computation software development. I lead the Laboratorium of Marvelous Mechanical Motum and advise undergraduate and graduate students researchers in the BioMechanical Engineering Department at Delft University of Technology.
Research Statements
Research Products
- L.A. Barba et al., Teaching and Learning with Jupyter. 2018. Draft
- J.K. Moore and K. Lyons, Resonance: Learning Mechanical Vibration Engineering Through Computation. 2017. Draft
- J.K. Moore, Human Control of a Bicycle, 2012.
Journal Articles
- X. Qian, J. K. Moore, and D. Niemeier, “Predicting Bicycle Pavement Ride Quality: Sensor-based Statistical Model,” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, vol. 26, no. 3, p. 04020033, 2020, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000571.
- B. Cloud et al., “Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics,” PLOS ONE, vol. 14, no. 12, p. e0225690, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225690.
- J. K. Moore and M. Hubbard, “skijumpdesign: A Ski Jump Design Tool for Specified Equivalent Fall Height,” The Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 28, p. 818, Aug. 2018, doi: 10.21105/joss.00818.
- J. K. Moore and A. van den Bogert, “opty: Software for trajectory optimization and parameter identification using direct collocation,” Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 21, p. 300, Jan. 2018, doi: 10.21105/joss.00300.
- A. Meurer et al., “SymPy: symbolic computing in Python,” PeerJ Comput. Sci., vol. 3, no. e103, Jan. 2017, doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.103.
- J. K. Moore, S. K. Hnat, and A. J. van den Bogert, “An elaborate data set on human gait and the effect of mechanical perturbations,” PeerJ, vol. 3, no. e918, Apr. 2015, doi: 10.7717/peerj.918.
- C. Dembia, J. K. Moore, and M. Hubbard, “An object oriented implementation of the Yeadon human inertia model,” F1000Research, vol. 3, no. 233, Apr. 2015, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.5292.2.
- A. L. Schwab, P. D. L. de Lange, R. Happee, and J. K. Moore, “Rider control identification in bicycling using lateral force perturbation tests,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, vol. 227, no. 4, pp. 390–406, Aug. 2013, doi: 10.1177/1464419313492317.
- R. Hess, J. K. Moore, and M. Hubbard, “Modeling the Manually Controlled Bicycle,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 545–557, Feb. 2012, doi: 10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2164244.
- J. K. Moore, J. D. G. Kooijman, A. L. Schwab, and M. Hubbard, “Rider motion identification during normal bicycling by means of principal component analysis,” Multibody Syst Dyn, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 225–244, Feb. 2011, doi: 10.1007/s11044-010-9225-8.
Conference Papers
- J. K. Moore and M. Hubbard, “Expanded Optimization for Discovering Optimal Lateral Handling Bicycles,” presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2019: Symposium for Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Padua, Italy, 2019, p. 12.
- R. Gilboa, A. Kubicki, A. Toribio, M. Hubbard, and J. K. Moore, “Practical Realization of a Theoretical Optimal-Handling Bicycle,” presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics: Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, 2019, p. 11.
- T. Z. Metz and J. K. Moore, “Design of an Electric Bicycle Speed Controller,” presented at the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2019: Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Padua, Italy, 2019.
- S. W. Kresie, J. K. Moore, M. Hubbard, and R. A. Hess, “Experimental Validation of Bicycle Handling Prediction,” in Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Cycling Safety Conference, Davis, CA, USA, 2017.
- J. K. Moore, M. Hubbard, and R. A. Hess, “Optimal bicycle design to maximize handling and safety,” in Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Cycling Safety Conference, Davis, CA, USA, 2017.
- J. Moore, M. Hubbard, and R. A. Hess, “An Optimal Handling Bicycle,” in Proceedings of the 2016 Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics Conference, 2016.
- G. Gede, D. L. Peterson, A. S. Nanjangud, J. K. Moore, and M. Hubbard, “Constrained Multibody Dynamics With Python: From Symbolic Equation Generation to Publication,” in Volume 7B: 9th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, Portland, Oregeon, USA, 2013.
- J. K. Moore and M. Hubbard, “Identification of open loop dynamics of a manually controlled bicycle-rider system,” in Proceedings of Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics: Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Narashino, Chiba, Japan, 2013.
- J. K. Moore and M. Hubbard, “Methods for elimination of crosstalk and inertial effects in bicycle and motorcycle steer torque estimation,” in Proceedings of Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics: Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Narashino, Chiba, Japan, 2013.
- R. A. Hess and J. K. Moore, “Estimating Parameters of the Structural Pilot Model Using Simulation Tracking Data,” in AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2013.
- A. Schwab, P. de Lange, and J. K. Moore, “Rider Optimal Control Identification in Bicycling,” in Proceedings of the 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and 11th Annual Motion and Vibration Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 2012.
- A. L. Schwab, P. D. L. de Lange, R. Happee, and J. K. Moore, “Rider control identification in bicycling, parameter estimation of a linear model using lateral force perturbation tests,” in Proceedings of the IMSD2012 - The 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Stuttgart, Germany., 2012.
- J. K. Moore, M. Hubbard, D. L. Peterson, A. L. Schwab, and J. D. G. Kooijman, “An Accurate Method of Measuring and Comparing a Bicycle’s Physical Parameters,” in Proceedings of Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics: Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Delft, Netherlands, 2010.
- D. L. Peterson, J. K. Moore, D. Fintelman, and M. Hubbard, “Low-power, modular, wireless dynamic measurement of bicycle motion,” in Procedia Engineering, 2010, vol. 2, pp. 2949–2954.
- J. K. Moore, M. Hubbard, A. L. Schwab, J. D. G. Kooijman, and D. L. Peterson, “Statistics of bicycle rider motion,” in The Engineering of Sport 8 - Engineering Emotion, 2010, vol. 2, pp. 2937–2942.
- J. D. G. Kooijman, A. L. Schwab, and J. K. Moore, “Some Observations on Human Control of a Bicycle,” in Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2009.
- J. K. Moore, J. D. G. Kooijman, M. Hubbard, and A. L. Schwab, “A Method for Estimating Physical Properties of a Combined Bicycle and Rider,” in Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, 2009.
- J. K. Moore, J. D. G. Kooijman, and A. L. Schwab, “Rider motion identification during normal bicycling by means of principal component analysis,” in Proceedings of Multibody Dynamics 2009, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 2009.
- J. Moore and M. Hubbard, “Parametric Study of Bicycle Stability,” in The Engineering of Sport 7, 2008, vol. 2.
- J. K. Moore, D. L. Peterson, and M. Hubbard, “Influence of rider dynamics on the Whipple bicycle model,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics, Tainan, Taiwan, 2007.
- J. K. Moore, M. Hubbard, and B. Cloud, skijumpdesign: A ski jump design tool for equivalent fall height. 2017.
- J. K. Moore and K. Lyons, resonance: A Python package for mechanical vibration analysis. University of California, Davis, 2017.
- J. K. Moore and A. J. van den Bogert, opty: A library for using direct collocation in the optimization and identification of dynamic systems. Cleveland State University, 2014.
- I. Kyle, J. K. Moore, and M. Simmonds, Agricultural Field Statistics Package. 2016.
- J. K. Moore, S. K. Hnat, O. Nwanna, M. Overmeyer, and A. J. van den Bogert, GaitAnalysisToolKit: A Python Library for Gait Analysis. Cleveland State University, 2013.
- C. Dembia, J. K. Moore, S. Yin, and O. Lee, Yeadon: A Python Library For Human Inertia Estimation. 2011.
- J. K. Moore, HumanControl: Human control of a bicycle. University of California, Davis, 2011.
- J. K. Moore, C. Dembia, and O. Lee, DynamicistToolKit: A Python library for dynamcis and controls. 2011.
- J. K. Moore, C. Dembia, and O. Lee, BicycleParameters: A Python library for bicycle parameter estimation and analysis. 2011.
- J. K. Moore, P. D. L. de Lange, and S. Yin, BicycleDataProcessor: Data storage and processing library for an instrumented bicycle. University of California, Davis, 2011.
- J. K. Moore et al., PyDy: A multi-body dynamics analysis package written in Python. PyDy, 2011.
- J. K. Moore, P. D. L. de Lange, and Y. Henneberry, BicycleDAQ: Data aquisition application for an instrumented bicycle. University of California, Davis, 2010.
- SymPy Development Team, SymPy: Python library for symbolic mathematics. 2006.