Notebook Entry

Today's task list:

  • [x] Motek training, Day Three
  • [x] Fix the budgeting and purchasing issues
  • [] Work on parsing the walking data
  • [] Make generic settings on the lab website
  • [] Work on the website theme
  • [] Review the TODO items on the Yeadon paper
  • [] Run variations in guesses for structural id
  • [] Work on BMD papers
  • [] Book flight for BMD
  • [] Setup a data backup for the website

D-Flow Feature Requests

  • Store d-flow data in a data base in stead of directly on the file system
  • allow simulink like wires that can have nodes
  • allow multi input/ouput on the modules (like demux mux in simulink)


Sandy's been improving the theme:


I passed off the purchasing issues to Ton:

  • order stuff from neweggg
  • redo budget for lab supplies and computers
  • setup amazon aws payment