Notebook Entry

AIO for September 23, 2014

Last week's accomplishments

Objectives from last week

Lab Stuff

Perturbed Walking Data Paper

Parameter Identification with Direct Collocation Paper

Parameter Identification with Direct Collocation Source Code

Spent 11 hrs on this stuff instead of 3...

With these final changes the speed of the constraint function evaluation is really fast. For example, when comparing to the original naive implementation of the constraint Jacobian evaluation I get a ~110X speedup for the case below where there are 1,056,000 non-zero values in the Jacobian. The function evaluations are now ~10X faster than the IPOPT computation time.

The new (7094e45a42):

In [1]: run -n 1 -d 480.0 -r -s 100.0 -i known

In [2]: %timeit identifier.con_jac_func(identifier.initial_guess)
1 loops, best of 3: 126 ms per loop

In [3]: len(identifier.initial_guess)
Out[3]: 192008

The old (bc00f1d):

In [1]: run -n 1 -d 480.0 -r -s 100.0 -i known

In [3]: %timeit identifier.con_jac_func(identifier.initial_guess)
1 loops, best of 3: 13.9 s per loop

In [4]: 13.9 / .126
Out[4]: 110.31746031746032

Bicycle Steer Torque Paper

Spent 1.9 hrs on this, most on improving the plots...see issues.

Yeadon Paper

Other things I did

Last week's issues

I really overestimated my time, especially since I didn't work Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. So there are a bunch of tasks I didn't finish. I also spent too much time on the tasks I did do and wasted time learning about general collocation and optimization tools and working on my general implementation with SymPy.

Lab Stuff

  • [0.5 hr] Make sure that the offsite backup can be restored.

Bicycle Steer Torque Paper

  • [1 hr] Change R plots to a prettier ggplot2 version. -- This is mostly done. I was having some trouble with the ggplot histogram and also need to get the fonts to match the fonts in the paper.
  • [1 hr] Improve the matplotlib plots to make them prettier.
  • [0.5 hr] Figure out the best citation for Kageyama's design.

Bicycle Data Paper

  • [1 hr] Finish raw data README.
  • [2 hr] Create calibration data README.
  • [0.5 hr] Try to upload the davis instrumented bicycle h5 file (with raw and processed data) to Figshare.

Job Search

  • [2 hours] Draft a plan/outline for a new research statement for prof applications.

Software Carpentry

  • [1 hr] Respond to Nick Hermez.
  • [1 hr] Decide on a date, confer with Ahmet, and let Software Carpentry know.
  • [0.5 hr] Make a list of tasks that need to be done so I can divvy them up.

This week's objectives

Lab Stuff

  • [0.5 hr] Make sure that the offsite backup can be restored.
  • [0.5 hr] Undo the review workflow on the website.

Inverted Pendulum Parameter Estimation Source

  • [2 hr] Implement both process and measurement noise.
  • [2 hr] Implement a validation simulation on a portion of the data.
  • [3 hr] Setup runs to create the convergence and global minima chance plots.
  • [3 hr] Flesh out the collocator class design more. Specifically how to add extra constraints and maybe even the objective.

Inverted Pendulum Parameter Estimation Paper

  • [3 hr] Find and read papers on using DC for parameter estimation.
  • [1 hr] Make a pass through the outline to define things better, i.e. like specific plots, etc.

Perturbed Walking Data Paper

  • [2 hr] Decide on what will actually be the processed data and write script to produce it from raw.
  • [3 hr] Add in the belt acceleration compensation to GTK.

Bicycle Steer Torque Paper

  • [1 hr] Change R plots to a prettier ggplot2 version.
  • [1.5 hr] Improve the matplotlib plots to make them prettier.
  • [1 hr] Figure out the best citation for Kageyama's design.
  • [0.25 hr] Check in with Mont about his review at end of week.

Bicycle Data Paper

  • [1 hr] Finish raw data README.
  • [2 hr] Create calibration data README.
  • [1 hr] Try to upload the davis instrumented bicycle h5 file (with raw and processed data) to Figshare.

Job Search

  • [2 hours] Draft a plan/outline for a new research statement for prof applications.

Software Carpentry

  • [0.5 hr] Respond to Nick Hermez.
  • [1 hr] Decide on a date, confer with Ahmet, and let Software Carpentry know.
  • [0.5 hr] Make a list of tasks that need to be done so I can divvy them up.