Notebook Entry

AIO for March 16, 2015

Last week's accomplishments

Perturbed Data Paper

  • [15 hr, done 11.7 hr] Close all remaining issues.
  • [0.5 hr, done] Have Ton and Sandy review the changes and the response to the reviewers.

All changes since first submission can be viewed here:

Job Search

  • [1 hr, done 0.2 hr] Gather reference letters for the UCD lecturer position.
  • [4 hr, done 7 hr] Rework materials for final draft and send out for commentary.
  • [2 hr, done 2.5 hr] Finalize cover letter, teaching statement, and diversity statement.
  • [1 hr, done 1.4 hr] Submit application materials.


  • [4 hr] Preparation for GSoC 2015.
  • [3 hr] software development
  • [2.4 hr] SciPy Tutorial Submission

Last week's issues

Quiet Standing Control Identification Paper

Didn't get to any of this.

  • [4 hr] Work further on the new input and scaling and adjust code.
  • [2 hr] Create plot of relative error vs dc step size.

Gait Control Direct ID Paper

Didn't get to any of this.

  • [10 hr] Get all of the basic plots in place in the paper.
  • [5 hr] Flesh out the results writing more for a first draft.

Yeadon Software Paper

The second version of our paper has yet to be posted.

  • [0.5 hr] Paste in the reviewer responses into the commenting section on the journal website.

Zhoadan Collaboration

Moving to this week.

  • [2 hr] Review Google Research grant reqs and intro materials.

This week's objectives

Perturbed Data Paper

  • [2 hr] Adjust paper to better delineate the pilot trials from finalized protocol trials.
  • [2 hr] Fix Ton's other comments
  • [1 hr] Submit our second version to PeerJ by Tuesday.

Quiet Standing Control Identification Paper

  • [1 hr] Change the acceleration input to have a flat spectrum.
  • [4 hr] Try using the linear plant model and see if what happens to the indirect id bias.
  • [4 hr] Create a super simple closed loop id that demonstrates the systematic error due to id model deficiencies (i.e. missing process noise).
  • [2 hr] Create plot of relative error vs dc step size.

Gait Control Direct ID Paper

  • [10 hr] Get all of the basic plots in place in the paper.
  • [5 hr] Flesh out the results writing more for a first draft.

Yeadon Software Paper

  • [0.5 hr] Paste in the reviewer responses into the commenting section on the journal website.

Zhoadan Collaboration

  • [2 hr] Review Google Research grant reqs and intro materials.
  • [2 hr] Meet with Zhoadan on Friday.


  • Maybe submit a SymPy tutorial in addition to the PyDy one.