Notebook Entry

AIO for May 11, 2015

Last week's accomplishments

Gait Control Direct ID Paper

  • [5 hr, 4.4 hr] Finish all plots for each of the results sections.
  • [5 hr, 0.9 hr] Flesh out all of the first draft text.
  • [2 hr, 1.3 hr] Writeup the concerns as issues on github and ask Ton for feedback.


  • [1 hr, 0.8 hr] Prepare some goals for the SciPy tutorial.
  • [5 hr, 7.2 hr] Work on some issues for the tutorial milestone.

Extra Accomplishments

Gait Control Direct ID Paper

  • [7 hr] Discussion with Mont and Andy.

  • [6.5 hr] Updated the theme.

Missed goals from last week


  • [2 hr] Submit class outlines to Eric.

Job Search

  • [3 hr] Cold call emails to various places of interest in the area.


  • [2 hr] Initial meeting with Sahil and all the mentors.

Attention + Control Project

  • [1 hr] Write out a plan of action to Zhoadan in an email.
  • [2 hr] Draft more on the grant.
  • [0.5 hr] Figure out if I will actually be guaranteed a position.

Last week's issues

Not working a lot of hours.

This week's objectives

Attention + Control Project

  • [1 hr] Write out a plan of action to Zhoadan in an email.
  • [2 hr] Draft more on the grant.
  • [0.5 hr] Figure out if I will actually be guaranteed a position.


  • [10 hr] Work on issues for the release.
  • [1 hr] Meeting with Sahil.

Gait Control Direct ID Paper

  • [10 hr] Write!
  • [5 hr] Implement the Wang/Srinivasan work?
  • [10 hr] Plots.