Generalized Forces


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import sympy.physics.mechanics as me

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter readers will be able to:

  • Calculate partial velocities given generalized speeds

  • Calculate generalized active forces for a system of particles and rigid bodies

  • Calculate generalized inertia forces for a system of particles and rigid bodies


At this point we have developed the three primary ingredients to formulate the equations of motion of a multibody system:

  1. Angular and Translational Kinematics

  2. Mass and Mass Distribution

  3. Forces, Moments, and Torques

For a single rigid body \(B\) with mass \(m_B\), mass center \(B_o\), and central inertia dyadic \(\breve{I}^{B/B_o}\) having a resultant force \(\bar{F}\) at \(B_o\) and moment \(\bar{M}\) about \(B_o\) the Newton-Euler Equations of Motion in the inertial reference frame \(N\) can be written as follows:

(171)\[\begin{split}\bar{F} = & \frac{{}^N d \bar{p}}{dt} \quad \textrm{ where } \bar{p} = m_B{}^N\bar{v}^{B_o} \\ \bar{M} = & \frac{{}^N d\bar{H}}{dt} \quad \textrm{ where } \bar{H} = \breve{I}^{B/B_o} \cdot {}^N\bar{\omega}^{B}\end{split}\]

The left hand side of the above equations describes the forces, moments, and torques (3.) acting on the rigid body and the right hand side describes the kinematics (1.) and the mass distribution (2.).

For a set of particles and rigid bodies that make up a multibody system defined with generalized coordinates, generalized speeds, and constraints, the generalized speeds characterize completely the motion of the system. The velocities and angular velocities of every particle and rigid body in the system are a function of these generalized speeds. The time rate of change of the generalized speeds \(\frac{du}{dt}\) will then play a critical role in the formulation of the right hand side of the multibody system equations of motion.

Take for example the multibody system shown in Fig. 42. A force \(\bar{F}\) applied at point \(Q\) may cause all three of the lower particles to move. The motion of the particles are described by the velocities, which are functions of the generalized speeds. Thus \(\bar{F}\) will, in general, cause all of the generalized speeds to change. But how much does each generalized speed change? The so called partial velocites of \(Q\) in \(N\) will provide the answer to this question.


Fig. 42 Four particles attached by massless links making up a 3 link planar simple pendulum. The top particle is fixed in \(N\). If the generalized coordinates \(q_1,q_2,q_3\) represent the angles of the three pendulums then three generalized speeds could be defined as \(u_i=\dot{q}_i\) for \(i=1,\ldots,3\).

Partial Velocities

Recall that all translational and angular velocities of a multibody system can be written in terms of the generalized speeds. By definition (Eq. (110)), these velocities can be expressed uniquely as linear functions of the generalized speeds. For a holonomic system with \(n\) degrees of freedom any translational velocity or angular velocity observed from a single reference frame can be written as ([Kane1985], pg. 45):

(172)\[\begin{split}\bar{v} = \sum_{r=1}^n \bar{v}_r u_r + \bar{v}_t \\ \bar{\omega} = \sum_{r=1}^n \bar{\omega}_r u_r + \bar{\omega}_t\end{split}\]

We call \(\bar{v}_r\) and \(\bar{\omega}_r\) the rth holonomic partial velocity and angular velocity in the single reference frame, respectively. \(\bar{v}_t\) and \(\bar{\omega}_t\) are the remainder terms that are not linear in a generalized speed. Since the velocities are linear in the generalized speeds, the partial velocities are equal to the partial derivatives with respect to the generalized speeds:

(173)\[\begin{split}\bar{v}_r = \frac{\partial \bar{v}}{\partial u_r} \\ \bar{\omega}_r = \frac{\partial \bar{\omega}}{\partial u_r}\end{split}\]


The reference frame these partials are taken with respect to must match that which the velocities are with respect to.

Given that the partial velocities are partial derivatives, means that we may interpret the partial velocities as the sensitivities of translational and angular velocities to changes in \(u_r\). The partial velocities give an idea of how any given velocity or angular velocity will change if one of the generalized speeds changes. Figure Fig. 43 gives a graphical interpretation of how a velocity of \(P\) in \(N\) is made up of partial velocities and a remainder.


Fig. 43 Velocity vector \({}^N\bar{v}^P\) of point \(P\) shown expressed as a sum of linear combinations of generalized speeds and partial velocity vectors and a remainder vector. In this case there are two generalized speeds.

Partial velocities can be determined by inspection of velocity vector expressions or calculated by taking the appropriate partial derivatives. Take, for example, the single body system shown in Fig. 44. What are the partial velocities for \({}^N\bar{v}^A\), \({}^N\bar{v}^B\), and \({}^N\bar{\omega}^R\)?


Fig. 44 A rod \(R\) pinned at \(A\) on the horizontal line. \(A\)’s horizontal translation is described by with the generalized coordinate \(q_1\) and the angle of the rod relative to the horizontal is described by the generalized coordinate \(q_2\).

First calculate the velocities and ensure they are only in terms of the generalized speeds and generalized coordinates. In this case, we have chosen \(u_1=\dot{q}_1\) and \(u_2=\dot{q}_2\).

L = sm.symbols('L')
q1, q2, u1, u2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1, q2, u1, u2')

N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
R = me.ReferenceFrame('R')

R.orient_axis(N, q2, N.z)
N_v_A = u1*N.x
\[\displaystyle u_{1}\hat{n}_x\]
N_w_R = u2*N.z
\[\displaystyle u_{2}\hat{n}_z\]
r_A_B = -L*R.x
N_v_B = N_v_A + me.cross(N_w_R, r_A_B)
\[\displaystyle (L u_{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)} + u_{1})\hat{n}_x - L u_{2} \cos{\left(q_{2} \right)}\hat{n}_y\]

Now, take the partial derivatives with respect to the generalized speeds to find the six partial velocities. The sensitivity of point \(A\)’s linear motion is only a function of the first generalized speed, i.e. change in \(u_1\) will cause accelerations in the \(\hat{n}_x\) direction.

v_A_1 = N_v_A.diff(u1, N)
v_A_2 = N_v_A.diff(u2, N)

v_A_1, v_A_2
\[\displaystyle \left( \hat{n}_x, \ 0\right)\]

The sensitivity of point \(B\)’s linear motion is a function of both generalized speeds, showing that acceleration in the \(\hat{n}_x\) direction is caused by change in both generalized speeds. In the \(\hat{n}_y\) direction motion change is only caused by change in \(u_2\).

v_B_1 = N_v_B.diff(u1, N)
v_B_2 = N_v_B.diff(u2, N)

v_B_1, v_B_2
\[\displaystyle \left( \hat{n}_x, \ - L\hat{r}_y\right)\]

Lastly, the sensitivity of the body \(R\)’s angular velocity to the two generalized speeds is only from \(u_2\) in the \(\hat{n}_z\) direction.

w_R_1 = N_w_R.diff(u1, N)
w_R_2 = N_w_R.diff(u2, N)

w_R_1, w_R_2
\[\displaystyle \left( 0, \ \hat{n}_z\right)\]

SymPy Mechanics provides a convenience function partial_velocity() to calculate a set of partial velocities for a set of generalized speeds:

me.partial_velocity((N_v_A, N_v_B, N_w_R), (u1, u2), N)
\[\displaystyle \left[ \left[ \hat{n}_x, \ 0\right], \ \left[ \hat{n}_x, \ - L\hat{r}_y\right], \ \left[ 0, \ \hat{n}_z\right]\right]\]

Nonholonomic Partial Velocities

If a system is nonholonomic, it is also true that every translational and angular velocity can be expressed uniquely in terms of the \(p\) independent generalized speeds (see Eq. (122)). Thus, we can also define the nonholonomic partial velocities \(\tilde{v}_r\) and nonholonomic partial angular velocities \(\tilde{\omega}_r\) as per ([Kane1985], pg. 46):

(174)\[\begin{split}\bar{v} = & \sum_{r=1}^p \tilde{v}_r u_r + \tilde{v}_t \\ \bar{\omega} = & \sum_{r=1}^p \tilde{\omega}_r u_r + \tilde{\omega}_t\end{split}\]

If you have found the \(n\) holonomic partial velocities, then you can use \(\mathbf{A}_n\) from (122) to find the nonholonomic partial velocities with:

(175)\[\begin{split}\tilde{v}_r = & \bar{v}_r + \left[\bar{v}_{p+1} \ldots \bar{v}_{n}\right] \mathbf{A}_n \hat{e}_r \\ \tilde{\omega}_r = & \bar{\omega}_r + \left[\bar{\omega}_{p+1} \ldots \bar{\omega}_{n}\right] \mathbf{A}_n \hat{e}_r \quad \textrm{for } r=1\ldots p\end{split}\]

where \(\hat{e}_r\) is a unit vector in the independent speed \(\bar{u}_s\) vector space, e.g. \(\hat{e}_2=\left[0, 1, 0, 0\right]^T\) if \(p=4\). See [Kane1985] pg. 48 for more explanation.

Generalized Active Forces

Suppose we have a holonomic multibody system made up of \(\nu\) particles with \(n\) degrees of freedom in a reference frame \(A\) that are described by generalized speeds \(u_1,\ldots,u_n\). Each particle may have a resultant force \(\bar{R}\) applied to it. By projecting each of the forces onto the partial velocity of its associated particle and summing the projections, we arrive at the total scalar force contribution associated with changes in that generalized speed. We call these scalar values, one for each generalized speed, the generalized active forces. The rth holonomic generalized active force for this system in A is defined as ([Kane1985], pg. 99):

(176)\[F_r := \sum_{i=1}^\nu {}^A\bar{v}^{P_i}_r \cdot \bar{R}_i\]

where \(i\) represents the ith particle.

Notice that the rth generalized active force is:

  1. a scalar value

  2. has contributions from all particles except if \({}^A\bar{v}^{P_i} \perp \bar{R}_i\)

  3. associated with the rth generalized speed

We will typically collect all of the generalized active forces in a column vector to allow for matrix operations with these values:

(177)\[\begin{split}\bar{F}_r = \begin{bmatrix} \sum_{i=1}^\nu {}^A\bar{v}_1^{P_i} \cdot \bar{R}_i \\ \vdots \\ \sum_{i=1}^\nu {}^A\bar{v}_r^{P_i} \cdot \bar{R}_i \\ \vdots \\ \sum_{i=1}^\nu {}^A\bar{v}_n^{P_i} \cdot \bar{R}_i \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

Eq. (176) shows that the partial velocities transform the forces applied to the multibody system from their Cartesian vector space to a new generalized speed vector space.

Now let us calculate the generalized active forces for a simple multibody system made up of only particles. Fig. 45 shows a double simple pendulum made up of two particles \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) with masses \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) respectively.


Fig. 45 Double simple pendulum a) kinematic schematic, b) free body diagram of \(P_1\), c) free body diagram of \(P_2\).

To calculate the generalized active forces we first find the velocities of each particle and write them in terms of the generalized speeds which we define as \(u_1=\dot{q}_1,u_2=\dot{q}_2\).

l = sm.symbols('l')
q1, q2, u1, u2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1, q2, u1, u2')

N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
A = me.ReferenceFrame('A')
B = me.ReferenceFrame('B')

A.orient_axis(N, q1, N.z)
B.orient_axis(N, q2, N.z)

O = me.Point('O')
P1 = me.Point('P1')
P2 = me.Point('P2')

O.set_vel(N, 0)

P1.set_pos(O, -l*A.y)
P2.set_pos(P1, -l*B.y)

P1.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)
P2.v2pt_theory(P1, N, B)

P1.vel(N), P2.vel(N)
\[\displaystyle \left( l \dot{q}_{1}\hat{a}_x, \ l \dot{q}_{1}\hat{a}_x + l \dot{q}_{2}\hat{b}_x\right)\]
repl = {q1.diff(): u1, q2.diff(): u2}

N_v_P1 = P1.vel(N).xreplace(repl)
N_v_P2 = P2.vel(N).xreplace(repl)

N_v_P1, N_v_P2
\[\displaystyle \left( l u_{1}\hat{a}_x, \ l u_{1}\hat{a}_x + l u_{2}\hat{b}_x\right)\]

We will need the partial velocities of each particle with respect to the two generalized speeds, giving four partial velocities:

v_P1_1 = N_v_P1.diff(u1, N)
v_P1_2 = N_v_P1.diff(u2, N)
v_P2_1 = N_v_P2.diff(u1, N)
v_P2_2 = N_v_P2.diff(u2, N)
v_P1_1, v_P1_2, v_P2_1, v_P2_2
\[\displaystyle \left( l\hat{a}_x, \ 0, \ l\hat{a}_x, \ l\hat{b}_x\right)\]

To determine the resultant forces acting on each particle we isolate each particle from the system and draw a free body diagram with all of the forces acting on the particle. Each particle has a gravitational force as well as distance, or tension, forces that ensure the particle stays connected to the massless rod. The resultant forces on each particle are then:

T1, T2 = me.dynamicsymbols('T1, T2')
m1, m2, g = sm.symbols('m1, m2, g')

R1 = -m1*g*N.y + T1*A.y - T2*B.y
\[\displaystyle - g m_{1}\hat{n}_y + T_{1}\hat{a}_y - T_{2}\hat{b}_y\]
R2 = -m2*g*N.y + T2*B.y
\[\displaystyle - g m_{2}\hat{n}_y + T_{2}\hat{b}_y\]

With the resultants and the partial velocities defined, the two generalized active forces can then be found:

F1 =, R1) +, R2)
\[\displaystyle - g l m_{1} \sin{\left(q_{1} \right)} - g l m_{2} \sin{\left(q_{1} \right)}\]
F2 =, R1) +, R2)
\[\displaystyle - g l m_{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)}\]

Notice that the distance forces \(T_1,T_2\) are not present in the generalized active forces \(F_1\) or \(F_2\). This is not by coincidence, but will always be true for noncontributing forces. They are in fact named “noncontributing” because they do not contribute to the generalized active forces (nor the full equations of motion we eventually arrive at). Noncontributing forces need not be considered in the resultants, in general, and we will not include them in further examples.

Notice also that these generalized forces have units of \(\textrm{force} \times \textrm{length}\). This is because our generalized speeds are angular rates. If our generalized speeds were linear rates, the generalized forces would have units of \(\textrm{force}\).

Generalized Active Forces on a Rigid Body

If a holonomic multibody system with \(n\) degrees of freedom in reference frame \(A\) includes a rigid body \(B\) then the loads acting on \(B\) can be described by a resultant force \(\bar{R}\) bound to line through an arbitrary point \(Q\) in \(B\) and a couple with torque \(\bar{T}\). The generalized active force in \(A\) for a single rigid body in a multibody system is then defined as ([Kane1985], pg. 106):

(178)\[(F_r)_B := {}^A\bar{v}^Q_r \cdot \bar{R} + {}^A\bar{\omega}^B_r \cdot \bar{T}\]

A generalized active force for each rigid body and particle in a system must be summed to obtain the total generalized active force.

To demonstrate finding the generalized active forces for a multibody system with two rigid bodies consider Fig. 46 which shows two thin rods of length \(l\) that are connected at points \(O\) and \(B_o\).


Fig. 46 A multibody system comprised of two uniformly dense thin rods of length \(l\) and mass \(m\). Rod \(A\) is pinned at \(O\) and can rotate about \(\hat{n}_z\) through \(q_1\). Rod \(B\) is pinned to \(A\) and can rotate relative to \(A\) about \(\hat{a}_x\) through \(q_2\). Linear torisional springs of stiffnes \(k\) with a free length of zero resists each relative rotation. Gravitational forces are in the \(\hat{n}_x\) direction.

The first step is to define the necessary velocities we’ll need: translational velocities of the two mass centers and the angular velocities of each body. We use the simple definition of the generalized speeds \(u_i=\dot{q}_i\).

m, g, k, l = sm.symbols('m, g, k, l')
q1, q2, u1, u2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1, q2, u1, u2')

N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
A = me.ReferenceFrame('A')
B = me.ReferenceFrame('B')

A.orient_axis(N, q1, N.z)
B.orient_axis(A, q2, A.x)

A.set_ang_vel(N, u1*N.z)
B.set_ang_vel(A, u2*A.x)

O = me.Point('O')
Ao = me.Point('A_O')
Bo = me.Point('B_O')

Ao.set_pos(O, l/2*A.x)
Bo.set_pos(O, l*A.x)

O.set_vel(N, 0)
Ao.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)
Bo.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)

Ao.vel(N), Bo.vel(N), A.ang_vel_in(N), B.ang_vel_in(N)
\[\displaystyle \left( \frac{l u_{1}}{2}\hat{a}_y, \ l u_{1}\hat{a}_y, \ u_{1}\hat{n}_z, \ u_{2}\hat{a}_x + u_{1}\hat{n}_z\right)\]

Now determine the holonomic partial velocities in \(N\):

v_Ao_1 = Ao.vel(N).diff(u1, N)
v_Ao_2 = Ao.vel(N).diff(u2, N)
v_Bo_1 = Bo.vel(N).diff(u1, N)
v_Bo_2 = Bo.vel(N).diff(u2, N)

v_Ao_1, v_Ao_2, v_Bo_1, v_Bo_2
\[\displaystyle \left( \frac{l}{2}\hat{a}_y, \ 0, \ l\hat{a}_y, \ 0\right)\]

and the holonomic partial angular velocities in \(N\):

w_A_1 = A.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u1, N)
w_A_2 = A.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u2, N)
w_B_1 = B.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u1, N)
w_B_2 = B.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u2, N)

w_A_1, w_A_2, w_B_1, w_B_2
\[\displaystyle \left( \hat{n}_z, \ 0, \ \hat{n}_z, \ \hat{a}_x\right)\]

The resultant forces on the two bodies are simply the gravitational forces that act at each mass center (we ignore the noncontributing pin joint contact forces):

R_Ao = m*g*N.x
R_Bo = m*g*N.x

R_Ao, R_Bo
\[\displaystyle \left( g m\hat{n}_x, \ g m\hat{n}_x\right)\]

With linear torsion springs between frames A and N and frames A and B the torques acting on each body are:

T_A = -k*q1*N.z + k*q2*A.x
T_B = -k*q2*A.x

T_A, T_B
\[\displaystyle \left( - k q_{1}\hat{n}_z + k q_{2}\hat{a}_x, \ - k q_{2}\hat{a}_x\right)\]

Note that \(k q_2\hat{a}_x\) in \(\bar{T}_A\) is the reaction torque of body \(B\) on \(A\) via the torsional spring.

Now, a generalized active force component can be found for each body and each generalized speed using (178):

F1_A = +
F1_B = +
F2_A = +
F2_B = +

F1_A, F1_B, F2_A, F2_B
\[\displaystyle \left( - \frac{g l m \sin{\left(q_{1} \right)}}{2} - k q_{1}, \ - g l m \sin{\left(q_{1} \right)}, \ 0, \ - k q_{2}\right)\]

Summing for each generalized speed and then stacking the two scalars in a column vector gives the generalized active forces for the system:

F1 = F1_A + F1_B
F2 = F2_A + F2_B

Fr = sm.Matrix([F1, F2])
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}- \frac{3 g l m \sin{\left(q_{1} \right)}}{2} - k q_{1}\\- k q_{2}\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

Nonholonomic Generalized Active Forces

For a nonholonomic system with \(p\) degrees of freedom in reference frame \(A\), the \(p\) generalized active forces can be formed instead. The nonholonomic generalized active force contributions from a particle \(P\) and rigid body \(B\) are:

(179)\[\begin{split}(\tilde{F}_r)_P = {}^A\tilde{v}^{P} \cdot \bar{R} \\ (\tilde{F}_r)_B = {}^A\tilde{v}^Q \cdot \bar{R} + {}^A\tilde{\omega}^B \cdot \bar{T}\end{split}\]

As a corollary to (175), if the holonomic generalized active forces are known and nonholonomic constraints are introduced the nonholonomic generalized active forces can be found with

(180)\[\tilde{F}_r = F_r + \left[F_{p+1} \ldots F_n \right] \mathbf{A}_n \hat{e}_r \textrm{ for } r=1\ldots p\]

where \(\left[F_{p+1} \ldots F_n \right]\) are the \(m\) holonomic generalized active forces associated with the dependent generalized speeds. See [Kane1985] pg. 99 for more information.

Generalized Inertia Forces

Analogous to the generalized active forces and their relationship to the left hand side of the Newtwon-Euler equations (Eq. (171), generalized inertia forces map the right hand side of the Newton-Euler equations, time derivatives of linear and angular momentum, to the vector space of the generalized speeds for a multibody system. For a holonomic multibody system in \(A\) made up of a set of \(\nu\) particles the rth generalized inertia force is defined as ([Kane1985], pg. 124):

(181)\[F_r^* := \sum_{i=1}^\nu {}^A\bar{v}^{P_i}_r \cdot \bar{R}^*_i\]

where the resultant inertia force on the ith particle is:

(182)\[\bar{R}^*_i := -m_i {}^A\bar{a}^{P_i}_i\]

The generalized inertia force for a single rigid body \(B\) with mass \(m_B\), mass center \(B_o\), and central inertia dyadic \(\breve{I}^{B/Bo}\) is defined as:

(183)\[(F_r^*)_B := {}^A\bar{v}^{B_o}_r \cdot \bar{R}^* + {}^A\bar{\omega}^B_r \cdot \bar{T}^*\]

where the inertia force on the body is:

(184)\[\bar{R}^* := -m_{B} {}^A\bar{a}^{B_o}\]

and the inertia torque on the body are

(185)\[\bar{T}^* := -\left( {}^A\bar{\alpha}^B \cdot \breve{I}^{B/Bo} + {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \times \breve{I}^{B/Bo} \cdot {}^A\bar{\omega}^B \right)\]

Coming back to the system in Fig. 46 we can now calculate the generalized inertia forces for the two rigid body system. First, the velocities and partial velocities are found as before:

m, g, k, l = sm.symbols('m, g, k, l')
q1, q2, u1, u2 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1, q2, u1, u2')

N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
A = me.ReferenceFrame('A')
B = me.ReferenceFrame('B')

A.orient_axis(N, q1, N.z)
B.orient_axis(A, q2, A.x)

A.set_ang_vel(N, u1*N.z)
B.set_ang_vel(A, u2*A.x)

O = me.Point('O')
Ao = me.Point('A_O')
Bo = me.Point('B_O')

Ao.set_pos(O, l/2*A.x)
Bo.set_pos(O, l*A.x)

O.set_vel(N, 0)
Ao.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)
Bo.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)

v_Ao_1 = Ao.vel(N).diff(u1, N)
v_Ao_2 = Ao.vel(N).diff(u2, N)
v_Bo_1 = Bo.vel(N).diff(u1, N)
v_Bo_2 = Bo.vel(N).diff(u2, N)

w_A_1 = A.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u1, N)
w_A_2 = A.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u2, N)
w_B_1 = B.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u1, N)
w_B_2 = B.ang_vel_in(N).diff(u2, N)

We will need the translational accelerations of the mass centers and the angular accelerations of each body expressed in terms of the generalized speeds, their derivatives, and the generalized coordinates:

Ao.acc(N), Bo.acc(N)
\[\displaystyle \left( - \frac{l u_{1}^{2}}{2}\hat{a}_x + \frac{l \dot{u}_{1}}{2}\hat{a}_y, \ - l u_{1}^{2}\hat{a}_x + l \dot{u}_{1}\hat{a}_y\right)\]
A.ang_acc_in(N), B.ang_acc_in(N)
\[\displaystyle \left( \dot{u}_{1}\hat{n}_z, \ \dot{u}_{2}\hat{a}_x + u_{1} u_{2}\hat{a}_y + \dot{u}_{1}\hat{n}_z\right)\]

The central moment of inertia of a thin uniformly dense rod of mass \(m\) and length \(L\) about any axis normal to its length is:

I = m*l**2/12
\[\displaystyle \frac{l^{2} m}{12}\]

This can be used to formulate the central inertia dyadics of each rod:

I_A_Ao = I*me.outer(A.y, A.y) + I*me.outer(A.z, A.z)
I_B_Bo = I*me.outer(B.x, B.x) + I*me.outer(B.z, B.z)
I_A_Ao, I_B_Bo
\[\displaystyle \left( \frac{l^{2} m}{12}\hat{a}_y\otimes \hat{a}_y + \frac{l^{2} m}{12}\hat{a}_z\otimes \hat{a}_z, \ \frac{l^{2} m}{12}\hat{b}_x\otimes \hat{b}_x + \frac{l^{2} m}{12}\hat{b}_z\otimes \hat{b}_z\right)\]

The resultant inertia forces acting at the mass center of each body are:

Rs_Ao = -m*Ao.acc(N)
Rs_Bo = -m*Bo.acc(N)

Rs_Ao, Rs_Bo
\[\displaystyle \left( \frac{l m u_{1}^{2}}{2}\hat{a}_x - \frac{l m \dot{u}_{1}}{2}\hat{a}_y, \ l m u_{1}^{2}\hat{a}_x - l m \dot{u}_{1}\hat{a}_y\right)\]

And the inertia torques acting on each body are:

Ts_A = -(A.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_A_Ao) +
         me.cross(A.ang_vel_in(N), I_A_Ao).dot(A.ang_vel_in(N)))
\[\displaystyle - \frac{l^{2} m \dot{u}_{1}}{12}\hat{a}_z\]
Ts_B = -(B.ang_acc_in(N).dot(I_B_Bo) +
         me.cross(B.ang_vel_in(N), I_B_Bo).dot(B.ang_vel_in(N)))
\[\displaystyle (- \frac{l^{2} m u_{1}^{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)} \cos{\left(q_{2} \right)}}{12} - \frac{l^{2} m \dot{u}_{2}}{12})\hat{b}_x + (- \frac{l^{2} m \left(- u_{1} u_{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)} + \cos{\left(q_{2} \right)} \dot{u}_{1}\right)}{12} + \frac{l^{2} m u_{1} u_{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)}}{12})\hat{b}_z\]

Now the generalized inertia forces can be formed by projecting the inertia force and inertia torque onto the partial velocities:

F1s_A = +
F1s_B = +
F2s_A = +
F2s_B = +

We then sum for each generalized speed and then stack them in a column vector \(\bar{F}_r^*\):

F1s = F1s_A + F1s_B
F2s = F2s_A + F2s_B

Frs = sm.Matrix([F1s, F2s])
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}- \frac{4 l^{2} m \dot{u}_{1}}{3} + \left(- \frac{l^{2} m \left(- u_{1} u_{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)} + \cos{\left(q_{2} \right)} \dot{u}_{1}\right)}{12} + \frac{l^{2} m u_{1} u_{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)}}{12}\right) \cos{\left(q_{2} \right)}\\- \frac{l^{2} m u_{1}^{2} \sin{\left(q_{2} \right)} \cos{\left(q_{2} \right)}}{12} - \frac{l^{2} m \dot{u}_{2}}{12}\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

Nonholonomic Generalized Inertia Forces

For a nonholonomic system with \(p\) degrees of freedom in reference frame \(A\), the \(p\) generalized active forces can be formed instead. The nonholonomic generalized active force contributions from a particle \(P\) and rigid body \(B\) are:

(186)\[\begin{split}(\tilde{F}^*_r)_P = {}^A\tilde{v}^{P} \cdot \bar{R}^* \\ (\tilde{F}^*_r)_B = {}^A\tilde{v}^Q \cdot \bar{R}^* + {}^A\tilde{\omega}^B \cdot \bar{T}^*\end{split}\]

Similar to Eq. (180), the nonholonomic generalized inertia forces can be calculated from the holonomic generalized inertia forces and \(\mathbf{A}_n\):

(187)\[\tilde{F}^*_r = F_r^* + \left[ F^*_{p+1} \ldots F^*_n \right] \mathbf{A}_n \hat{e}_r \textrm{ for } r=1\ldots p\]

More information about the relation between the nonholonomic and holonomic generalized inertia forces is give in [Kane1985] pg. 124.